Saturday, January 21, 2006

Health: Meredakan Keluhan Heartburn Saat Hamil

Pernah merasakan naiknya aliran asam lambung ke kerongkongan yang menimbulkan efek seperti sensasi ingin muntah? Ini yang disebut heartburn. Heartburn kerap ditandai nyeri pada lambung, panas seperti ditusuk-tusuk, kadang mual dan muntah. Kita lazim menyebutnya nyeri ulu hati atau sakit maag.

Heartburn merupakan penyakit ringan yang biasa muncul saat kehamilan. Kondisi ini membuat ibu hamil merasa tidak nyaman, karena apapun yang ditelannya terasa mau naik lagi ke kerongkongan, dan tak jarang diakhiri dengan muntah.

Berikut sejumlah cara untuk meredakan derita heartburn:
  1. Makan dalam porsi kecil namun sering. Hindari banyak makan atau makan berlebihan.
  2. Usahakan ngemil di sela-sela jam makan. Lakukan secara perlahan, jangan terburu-buru
  3. Coba untuk tak minum berbarengan dengan makan. Sebaliknya minum yang banyak antara waktu makan.
  4. Usahakan mengidentifikasi makanan mana yang menimbulkan gangguan heartburn hebat, kemudian kurangi porsinya dalam daftar makanan Anda. waspadai makanan berbumbu tajam dan berminyak
  5. Sementara menjauhlah dari kopi dan rokok
  6. Jangan berbaring setelah makan
  7. Makan buah pepapa setelah makan. Anda bisa mengonsumisnya langsung atau dibuat jus, atau dalam bentuk tablet.
  8. Konsumsi yogurt, krim atau susu
  9. Kunyahlah buah almond
  10. Jika keluhan nyeri lambung begitu mengganggu, konsumsilah obat maag untuk meredakan keluhan.

Jika kurang yakin, hubungi dokter Anda untuk meminta petunjuk.

Related Article :

Novelas Essential Lotion Untuk Ibu Hamil

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Do You Want to Avoid Skin Irritation? Using Herbal Skin Care Products

By Stephen Todd

When you are looking to avoid the harmful chemicals found gracing the shelves at your local grocery store, you may want to look into some of the herbal skin care products that are available.

Herbal skin care
Herbal skin care avoids the mineral oils and other petroleum products that can cause an irritation to the skin.
Herbal skin care products use natural oils that are found within a variety of seeds or nuts, such as grape seed oil and lemon oil. These ingredients tend to unclog pores, as well as ease the appearance of blemishes and dry skin.
Example of Natural Herbal Skin Care You Can Find at Boreh Bali Natural Spa

Home Made Skin Care Products
There are tons of recipes for herbal skin care that you can use at home, which are created by picking up a few natural products from the grocery store, health food market, as well as herbal skin care stores and websites.
To create lavender oil for the skin, you will need two cups of lavender flowers, 2 sprigs of rosemary, 1 piece of orange zest, as well as 1¼ cups of olive or grape seed oil.
Using a mortar or cutting board, you can create the herbal skin care mixture by pounding the lavender, rosemary and orange zest together. Next, you pack the herbs into a 2-cup capacity jar and add the oil.
Using a mortar or cutting board, you can create the herbal skin care mixture by pounding the lavender, rosemary and orange zest together. Next, you pack the herbs into a 2-cup capacity jar and add the oil.
Shake the jar at least once a day during these two weeks. After the time is up, you will need to strain the herbal skin care product and keep it refrigerated when not in use.

Home Made Facial Oil
To make facial oil from calendula flowers, you will need two cups of olive or grape seed oil, ½ cup of wheat germ oil, as well as one cup of calendula flowers.
You should combine all of the ingredients in a jar and cover for placement on a sunny windowsill.
For the next two weeks, you will have to shake this herbal skin care remedy at least once per day.
Strain and refrigerate this herbal skin care product after preparation.

Home Made Skin Care Toner
If you are looking for a herbal skin care toner, there is an easy way to create such a product with the inexpensive ingredient of witch hazel, which can be found at any drugstore. Combine 3½ cups of liquid witch hazel with ½ cup of herbs and place in a jar that sits on a sunny windowsill for one week.
The mixture should be shaken at least once per day. After the herbal skin care remedy is strained, place it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.
When creating a toner at home, you can prepare a gentler option by adding calendula flowers; for oily skin, add lemon rind and mint to the remedy.

Home Made Facial Mask
A herbal skin care facial mask can be prepared by blending a few herbs together and applying it to the face.
If you are suffering from dry skin, you may want to blend rose petals and chamomile with two tablespoons of oatmeal and distilled water.
Oily skin craves for a blend of sage, yarrow, chamomile, and lemongrass with two tablespoons of distilled water and oatmeal.
After creating the herbal skin care remedy, apply to the face for ten minutes, and then rinsed away.

More skin care products information GO HERE

Bagi Anda yang peduli pada keindahan dan kelembutan kulit

Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan sebuah produk Essential Lotion untuk Ibu Hamil dan Sehabis Melahirkan juga bagi Anda yang peduli pada keindahan dan kelembutan kulit.
Dan telah mendapatkan ijin edar dari BADAN POM ( Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan) dengan no registrasi : POM CD : 1009100913

NOVELAS-Essential Lotion
Kulit yang segar dan, cerah, halus dan lembut adalah dambaan setiap orang, khususnya bagi wanita.
Keindahan dan kecantikan ini adalah sebagian dari fungsi kulit selain sebagai pelindung dan penyangga anggota badan.
Dengan kulit yang halus dan lembut wanita akan lebih percaya diri.
Untuk menjaga kehalusan dan kelembutan kulit tersebut, seorang wanita perlu bijaksana dalam melakukan perawatan kulit pada tubuhnya.

Pada saat kehamilan, wanita banyak yang kurang percaya diri akan kecantikan alami yang telah dimilikinya, karena pada masa kehamilan, wanita banyak mengalami perubahan pada tubuhnya, seperti kenaikan berat badan, terjadi perubahan struktur kulit khususnya di daerah sekitar perut dan pinggul akan mengalami peregangan yang makin besar sejalan dengan pertumbuhan bayi yang dikandungnya sampai melahirkan.

Peregangan kulit yang terjadi di daerah sekitar perut dan pinggul tersebut akan membuat kulit tertarik dan pecah-pecah, apalagi pada saat melahirkan, kulit akan mengkerut seketika.
Masalah kulit perut pada masa hamil dan sehabis melahirkan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan perawatan rutin selama masa kehamilan dan dan setelah melahirkan.
Dengan perawatan tersebut maka kulit akan kembali ke keadaan semula, halus dan dan lembut, terutama di bagian perut dan pinggul.

NOVELAS-Essential Lotion, dapat mengatasi masalah kulit dan merawat kulit saat wanita hamil dan setelah melahirkan. NOVELAS-Essential Lotion mengandung bahan alami yang diformulasikan secara khusus untuk perawatan, penjagaan kulit perut pada wanita hamil dan setelah melahirkan agar tetap halus, lembut dan tidak berkerut.

Oleskan NOVELAS-Essential Lotion secara merata pada bagian perut, pinggang dan pinggul setiap kali sehabis mandi, selama masa kehamilan dan sesudah melahirkan.

Dengan penggunaan NOVELAS-Essential Lotion secara optimal selama masa kehamilan dan sesudah melahirkan maka kulit akan tetap halus, lembut dan tidak mengalami pengkerutan.

NOVELAS-Essential Lotion dapat juga dipergunakan pada wanita yang peduli pada keindahan dan kelembutan kulit perut dalam masa-masa tidak hamil.

Reference :

  1. Jean Bruneton, "Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Medicinal Plants", New York
  2. Paul M. Dewick, "Medicinal Natural Products Biosynthetic Approach", John Wiley and Sons, New York
  3. Wee Chang Huang, "The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs". CRC Press
  4. Drug Information American Hospital Formulary Service, AHFS, 1995
  5. Drug Information For The Health Care Professional, USPD I, 1996

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~ Yogha

Monday, January 9, 2006

Nursing Bras

By Elizabeth Morgan

Maternity is nature’s gift to women. The experience of nursing your baby can be increased if you ensure your own comfort level. Your breasts start changing shape from the fourth month of pregnancy. As a result, most women find their previous bra too small.

Purchase a nursing bras close to your due date or shortly after your baby arrives, because your breasts will grow larger toward the end of your pregnancy and when milk comes in.

You can purchase nursing bras in the maternity section of any department store. When purchasing a nursing bra, keep in mind that it is best to shop for one that has wide, comfortable shoulder straps to give adequate support to the breasts. Consider buying a bra that has flaps and can be opened and refastened easily. Since milk leakage is inevitable, it also makes sense to buy nursing pads to protect both your bra and clothes.

Make sure you get the right size. Though good looks are an added bonus, your primary consideration should be access and comfort. Even though you may find bras with underwires tempting, they can constrict the ducts and obstruct the flow of milk. This, in turn, can cause infections.

It is always better to buy 100% cotton bras, as cotton is a breathable fabric. Synthetic fabrics trap moisture and encourage bacterial growth and soreness.
Along with quality, pay attention to the quantity also. You should buy more than one nursing bras to avoid washing the same pieces again and again. As the breast size keeps changing, you should replace your nursing bras regularly to be sure you're getting the support you need while breast- feeding.

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